Explore helpful mental health resources, including crisis lines, youth support, grief assistance, and self-care guides.
Youth can get support over the phone 24/7 by calling 1-800-668-6868. You can call us using a landline, cellphone or VoIP service on a computer.
Skytrain outreach, support with hard-to-find youth, cross-regional connections, relationships with policing bodies. Self or professional referrals, 604-951-4821.
Extreme parent-teen conflict; professional referral 604-592-6200; www.pcrs.ca
Under 19 support for those at risk for suicidal behaviours. Self or professional referral: 604-584-5811
Full psychiatric assessments, treatment recommendations, short-term therapy, second opinions for complex disorders. GP referral.
Connects to local crisis line support without a wait signal for emotional support and/or mental health information and resources. Call 310-6789 (NO area code)
Request “CAR 67” when calling police for a mental health crisis (all ages) - mental health specialist attends with the police.
Referrals to victims of crime and immediate crisis support to victims of family and sexual violence (24/7, all ages) 1-800-563-0808
1-800-739-7367; www.optionsforsexualhealth.org/sex-sense Confidential information and to clinics, pregnancy/STI tests, emergency contraception. Mon-Fri 9 am-9 pm. Offers service via email sexsense@optbc.org or website.
Connecting the public to grief support services in their area. 604-738-9950, http://www.bcbh.ca/ contact@bcbh.ca